IT IS AFTER EXAMS!! I dont wish to talk much about it, but just... I feel... I DID QUITE WELL.
Now back to topic.
People collect phonecards differently. Most hobbyists' main aim is to increase the quantity and variety of their phonecard collections. However, some would collect phonecards because they have sentimental values. Some would focus on the beautiful pictures on the phonecards, while others may focus on phonecards that commemorate special occasions.
I forgot why I started phonecard collections, but it probably started off with MRT cards instead. I am a transportation fan. This also explains why most of my phonecards are transport-themed.
This picture is of the first page of my phonecard album.
Figure 1a - Main page of Main Phonecard Album
As you can see, all of them are vehicles.
I will now focus on some of the cards.
Figure 1b - Austin 7 Meteor.
This card, as with the other 2 identical cards, features the Austin 7 Meteor, a 1927 vehicle.
The stored value in this card is $10. The reason why i put them together, is for ease of exchanging.
Figure 1c - Ferrari and Lambo
The card to the left features a Ferarri F355. While the one on the right has a Lambo Diablo VT. The stored values are $5 and $3 respectively.
Figure 1d- Shell Cars
These are a series of advertisement cards for the petrol company/brand "SHELL". The wordings on top are : " We've got the power". They each have a $2 stored value. Sadly, I could not find many phone cards that feature locomotions/trains, which are actually my favourite. I only managed to find this card....
Figure 1e - MRT and New Town
In this picture, you can see that in the foreground, there is an MRT. However, the main focus of this picture is the New Town. In the background, you can see an MRT station. I presume it belongs to the west side of Singapore because the architectural design of this station cannot be found on the east side other than Eunos Station. However, I know the landscape around Eunos Station so i can safely say that this station is not Eunos.
Enough of vehicles, the next series of phone cards are of very special values. They commemorated the years of National Day Singapore had.
Lets start off with 1996
Figure 2a - Singapore National Day 1996
It shows the majestic Merlion, at Marina bay, with the towering buildings signifying Singapore's growth. There is also the motto: " My Singapore, My Home" printed on it. This card has a stored value of $3. Figure 2b - Singapore National Day 1997
This card has a Merlion grayscale in the foreground, with my favourite, transports, in the background. It has a stored value of $5
Figure 2c - Singapore National Day 1998
Its the National Day Parade, with various events taking place during the parade.
The stored value is $5
Figure 2d - Singapore National Day 1999
This card also has National Day Parade as its picture. It has a motto: " Moving towards The Next Millenium." Stored value is $5The last series that I am showing in this post, is of highly precious values. Very memorable indeed. They are Calendars. Yes. Multipurpose cards. Not only are they phone cards, they also function as calendars.
Again, I apologize for the bad quality of my photos, as I am unable to purchase a good camera. I am in the process of saving up.
Figure 3a - 1995 Calendar
This is a calendar of the year 1995. You would be able to faintly see a famous singapore bridge and some buildings at the back.
Stored value : $5
Figure 3b - 1997 Calendar
As the title says, 1997 Calendar. I couldnt figure out what the picture is. It seemed like some sort of food. Probably a fruit. Stored value: $5
Figure 3c - 1998 Calendar
A 1998 Calendar Phonecard. The background consists of an assortment of colours that blends nicely with each other. Stored value: $5
Figure 3d - 2000 Calendar
Millenium Calendar Phonecard! How cool is that?! Of course, since it is the year of the dragon, the background consists of the word "dragon" in mandarin, pronounced as "long".Stored value : $5
Thats all for this post. I apologize for not being able to upload pictures of MRT cards.
I feel that my camera is very lousy and am sourcing for a new one now. Like I said, i'm also saving up.
Please stay tuned for the next post.